ha ha ha! ex-bf!

I was quite surprised to see "invitation" to share photo on some website from this guy. (Aaron if you're reading this, yeah i mean YOU..oh wait a minute.. probably your sweet girlfriend.) I never seen anyone this childish. Just couple of months ago his girlfriend logged in his MSN pretended to be him and sent messages to me. I think she wanted to check if I was still in touch with her boyfriend, that's all. Acting like a 13 year-old girl. Pathetic.
I didn't know until..
"Have you called me lately?" he (no.. SHE) asked
"No, why should I call you?"
"I dunno.. miss me?"
"ha ha now THAT is funny"
"So you never called me?"
"OK, me neither..lol"
"ha-ha" (that was an irony one, I didn't find it was funny whatsoever)
"My cell phone sucks..lol"
NOW I got it. When I was still with him. He couldn't even buy himself a cheap mobile phone coz spending so fucking lot on beers everyday why you should bother buying yourself a mobile phone? So I gave him NOKIA one that I didn't use anymore. When we broke up I never asked it back or anything.
Now his girlfriend thinks it is such a brilliant idea to log in his account and harassing her boyfriend's ex. I can't think of any other word but 'childish' and 'pathetic'
When I came back from india. I'm still getting this shit. "Let's share photos" that was a subject on invitation email. Ofcourse Aaron would never do such a thing. When I viewed his album. There're a few photos of him and his girlfriend. Awwwww.. am I supposed to be jealous? or feel sorry for myself?
I don't know why I would want this guy anyway. That time I was with him I was so fucking blind. Anyway I wished that we could keep friendship because it would be a shame to hate each other just because you're not together anymore. But now I know I can't. Some people are just too stupid. Not worth trying even for being friend.
Cheers to your smart girlfriend Aaron. She's fucking hallion. In bad way. Not good way. Damn! she's SO SMART. I'm glad you're together. Well-matched.
Gosh!!! This is one of the worst pictures i've seen. it reminds me of the horrible scene in Japanese horror film. looks like her head just pops out of this guy's head.
o5rnTu The best blog you have!
In1euK Magnific!
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Thanks to author.
Thanks to author.
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Thanks to author.
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actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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d2cQ5s write more, thanks.
Please write anything else!
Please write anything else!
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