Dee is back! (and leaving)
Surfing week and crazy guest house staff
Maya has been surfing with me for a few days now. So far so good! We also met other Couchsurfers 2 days ago. One is Australian girl,Sam and another one is James from Barcelona. Both of them live in Thailand. Sam is going to marry her Thai bf in January! That's sweet :-) James is very funny
guy. We had our lunch at..some mall.. I don't even remember the name.One of those fancy malls that we'll never buy anything there, BUT they have good food court on the top floor.
Yesterday we went to Sitdhi guest house helping Ami (the owner) copy guest info from check-in books to excel file. I was so amazed how rude this staff are! It was something about money and they misunderstood him. One of them (behind counter) thought he accused her that she stole money (fucking 200 Baht..fuck that) but in fact, he didn't say anything like that at all (I was there, I heard everything) he just asked if he already returned 200 baht to her (she's cashier) because he couldn't remember. That's all. As simple as that. But she turned to be soooo angry and started to insult him in rudest Thai words (pussy face, mother fucker, asshole..and many more)
Finally one of staff had to talk to him about what exactly he meant. Then she translated to that crazy woman behind counter. She didn't say sorry to him or anything. Just kept complaining complaining.I wonder if they do this everyday. In my whole life I've never seen the owner of the guest house (and his cafe) is billed for the coffee from HIS OWN cafe before. But yesterday he got bills for 2 cups of coffee (our coffee) even he said that he invited us here and why the hell does he have to pay for HIS coffee that HE bought it for HIS cafe?
That 2 cups of coffee story never ended..I'm sure they went on complaining about it when we left that place. I wanna know where he found these women. They're the lowest of low. They're SO rude. Even cheap prostitutes talk nicer. And they just talked in front of us as if we weren't there. And I'm sure they know that I'm Thai so I understand everything they said (even their boss doesn't)
Damn, some people were just born to suck oxygen from this earth and totally waste every single breath they take to live on their fucking lives and do no good to the others. These women are one of them.
Got email from Peak. She's back from Iceland. She stayed with Couchsurfers for whole trip. Including Luzian (Swiss guy) we met in a meeting last time in Bangkok. That's really cool. Can you imagine how much it might have cost if there was no Couchsurfing project?
Monday night, James is back, hippie de bar
Birthday Boy
We rent 2 scooters today. First i thought I would rent another one for myself. But Anders didn't mind if we shared. So I agreed. I don't mind either. Riding it or just sitting behind being lazy :-P. Scooter costs 130 B/ 24 Hours. Fuel 30 Baht/ Litre. Good fun. I wish I could ride it in Bangkok. But I still wanna live my life!
Scooter gang.
Lovely place!
Since today is Anders' birthday. So he's the boss! He took us to this really nice place on lonely beach. I really liked it there. Very chill and they serve good food. Apparently Anders loves Padthai there. So I ordered one too :-) it was really good. If I ever come back to Koh Chang again soon I think I'd love to stay here. Very very cool place. And staff are very friendly. We ended up at that place twice that day. Coz on the way back, tyre went flat again. Needed to replace it. So we left the scooter at "vegetable shop" (weird place to get scooter fixed) and left for snack. Went back to pick scooter an hour later.
View point.
There's a family just sitting there on their pick-up. I thought they came for picnic but they were selling grilled squids. (They didn't really look like they were selling though. Coz they were also eating their own products..hehe)
Pretty cool helmet, isn't it :-D
Fixing tyre at Bang Bao village.
This guy owns very neat "MIQ" scooter. Very shiny. Brand new. I was so jealous! Got tyre fixed for 50 Baht. Anyway the second time it went flat again. Now it had to be replaced and that costed another 100. Hm, so after all it was more expensive than renting another scooter. (crazy)
On the way to find the place to replace tyre. Since it's quite a long way so I catched one of those SongThaews back to BangBao but it turned out that Anders went to different place. Thank Buddha. Anders brought my mobile phone so I could call and ask where he was. While I was waiting for Mads to pick me up. There was a Thai guy with long hair stopped by
"Haven't we met this morning?" Now I remember. He was a guy I asked for direction this morning when our tyre went flat first time."Yeah, I got lost!"
"Oh, where are you going?"
"Dunno..I'm waiting for my friend to come to pick me up"
"ahhhhh~! OKKK.. come! have a seat at my bar while you're waiting. It's just right over there!" he pointed to a small shelter, rasta-style hut about 100 m. away from where we were.
"OK" I hopped on his scooter and he invited me to sit down on the balcony..part of his mini bar. There were another 4 guys there. They looked like the whole reggae band.
Colorful :-) I like it.
"Come on, you can sit inside if you want. Sitting like that..looks like "Kreng Jai" way sit"
"I never KRENG JAI, don't worry..hehe"
"gooood good. Here! have some 40 Degree?" he handed me 40 degree Thai wine. Almost half a glass.
"Just a sip, No problem!"
I took the glass from him and drank the whole glass. He stood there blinking in silence for a few seconds. " well..looks like we need more Lao-Khao here"
Then he kept bringing food and local wine to me. Thank God. Mads arrived. Otherwise I would end up getting drunk with all these rastafarians.
I jumped on scooter, Thank them and said goodbye. I heard that guy screamed "Shit! I forgot my daughter at school!" (LOL!!) Then followed with his friend in Bob Marley Tshirt said "I dunno what's wrong with guys around here. You know what. They all have kids but no wives. They freaking ran away! haha! by the way have a safe trip!"

Waterfall near that crazy resort.
We went to this place a bit south of the island as heard that they have a resort built on the boats. But when we arrived it was a sign says something like"Exclusive resort. Only for resort guests" otherwise we must pay 150 Baht just to "see" their resort. Fuck that. And we were told that if we wanted to see the waterfall just next to resort. That will be 50 Baht each. I wonder.. since when that resort own the natural waterfall in the forest too? so we went in anyway without paying anything. Why should we anyway? bah!
After the waterfall we stopped by at Bang Bao village to see if there's any fishing activities go on around there. But not much.. though it was pretty relaxing place. Looks like good place to go to have some serious seafood :-) There's a dive shop just right next to 7-eleven. So all of them booked fun dives there. A lady who works there. She told me she's getting a bit bored of Koh Chang as she was born there and been living there until today. She's got a belgian boyfriend who came to visit couple of months ago, asked her if she wanted to go to Koh Tao.
"I'm from Koh and he's still asking me if I wanna go to Koh! can you believe that?" hehehe
When we walked back again passing dive shop. She was washing the little dog there. That dog was just standing still. Not sure if he enjoyed shower though. He's so small, has long hair.. and his name is RAMBO.
Guest Houses at Bang Bao Fishing Village
Tree House
We went back to to white sand beach to shower and take a nap. It was quite a long day. Anders had a plan to take all of us to "Tree House" which looks like sort of hippie place :-) but it's really lovely and food come so quickly! finally we had all the food in our table and couldn't finish all of them. It was hot and humid night. No wind AT ALL. We all had to lie down sweating. Trying not to move too much to save energy..hehe.. Anyway, that was really nice place to celebrate his birthday! :-) Really had a good time.
Lemon Bar ..and a guy with 17 years of hooking tourists
After Tree House. We hopped to "Lemon Bar" not so far from Tree House actually. The bar was full of Katoeys! Most just work there actually. Anders met old friend, one of Katoeys that he spent half an hour chatting with last time he was there in Koh Chang. There's another one was dancing like crazy on the dance floor. I found out later that that one named "Queen"
We traded all those coupons for free drinks which we got them from that Magacian dude who's 41 year-old, but 18 year-old at heart, (that's what he claims) it's been 17 years of hooking with tourists for him.
"So many times I fall in love. Doesn't matter how big my love is! it always ends at the airport!" Then he kept whining about his international loves. Why he left Bangkok 17 years ago, And why he had to go to see doctor every year (according to..he's not sure how many tourists he's been with!) 
You're racist!??
After all those free drinks, a few buckets of vodka, redbull, SaengSom..We went to another bar where that magician dude owns the place. Not so many people there. Actually it was even closed. But he opened up again when we arrived.
We had more beers there. Then there's a big English girl came to join. (but I guess she's staying at the bungalow nearby) She turned out to be a bit weird person. Started with conversations with Anders that she didn't get any jokes at all (or didn't try to..) for example..
"What's your name?" Anders gave some football players names (*yawn* you know it) and then she said something like that's weird name..or something like that. Anders said that player is actually a black guy.Then she said "You're racist!?" "What?? who's racist??" "You! You're racist!" er..well. OK. whatever.. looks like someone has no sense on humor here.
Those are biggest tits I've ever seen!
I didn't really listen to her since she accused that Anders was racist. I turned to talk to Maj instead. While Maj left for selecting some music CD. Anders turned to me and whispered (pretty loud) "This english see! those are biggest tits I've ever seen! sometimes I wonder how they even grow that big??" I hope she didn't hear
Are you drinking my beer?
That english girl Sarah. She asked if she could have one of my ciggies. Sure, No problem. Ler's share the cancer.
"Hey, are you.. drinking my beer?" Anders pointed at the bottle in Sarah's hand. I think I saw her face turned red then she said it quickly "Oh come on, I'll buy you beers too!"
It's true. Later she came back with 2 bottles of Singha.
Anders passed out. Falling a sleep and actually snoring. Sarah was amazed that he could just fall asleep like that. But nobody else seems to be surprised anymore. When Anders is drunk, he falls asleep. Yep.
Before we came to party we arranged with SongThaew guy to come to pick us up around 2 AM to take us back to bungalows as it was pretty clear that there wouldn't be any transports to come back to White Sand beach that late night. At that time it was nearly 4 AM. My mobile phone has no signal (Thanks! DTAC!) so I asked bar owner if I could borrow his. "No battery!!" shit.. ok I borrowed only sim card then. His got full signal.
"What's that phone? Samsung" That was Sarah. Here we go again.
"Yeah, but it's old!" bar owner said
"THIS IS SHIT!" I thought.. this bitch is crazy, beyond help
"I can buy this in England for like.. 1 pound!" she she kept going on like that for..I dunno for what reason. I just didn't wanna listen to her anymore. Considered noise pollution to me.
Songthaew driver picked up the phone, whining a bit that we called him 2 hours too late. But he agreed to come anyway if we pay 200 more. Deal, that was nice of him to stay up waiting for us anyway.
Just before we left the bar. I was stopped by bar owner
"Er.. you haven't paid for these Singha beers"
"No, we did. We paid for all the beers we got from your fridge"
"Yeah..only Chang though.. Not Singha" Who ordered Singha anyway..? then I knew it.. SARAH.. the moment that she came back with beers she promised to buy because she was caught drinking our beers. True..She came back with beers indeed. She just hadn't paid for them.
Very nice..girl! very nice!