The "flute" concert +Crab noodle
I went to Daniel's office to work on brochures. Took longer than I thought but it's much easier to work with your client that way, sometimes. Coz they can tell you just there.. what they want and how they want it. Around 3:30 PM Daniel gotta go for work so I left for TCDC and had my first 'real' food of the day. Didn't eat anything since morning.
I had Stir fried white snapper with black pepper.. in clay pot. That's 60 Baht. Not bad for such a sophisticated-looking dish :-) he he he he . . .

Snapper fried with black pepper + rice (60 B.)

School kids shopping for Valentine's day gifts in The Emporium (prices = not cheap)

Who invented this crappy idea. I really wanna know..
It's a survey that most of teenagers in Thailand lost their virginities on Valentine's day. Great, parents must be so proud.
Flute concert (?)
While I was enjoying my food. Toenk called..
"Where are you!"
"er.. Emporium"
"You come to concert with me tonight"
"What concert?"
"Kinda.. er.. something about flute. I don't know yet. Still gotta go get free tickets.. hehe"
"Flute? what the.. where?"
"In the university?"
"How come you got tickets?"
"Will tell you later. Anyway, I'll go to get my thumb drive I left at my friend's place ... 2years ago"
"2 years ago!! and you just getting it back now?"
"yeah, well she just found it!"
"right right..see you around 6:30 then"
Then I continued with my food. Ended up I didn't even really use any books in TCDC. Just went in there. Checking a few interior design magazines and Toenk called again..
"Sis, I'm at Siam already"
"Yeah I didn't go to get thumb drive. Will go later. Traffic is terrible"
Starsucks Coffee
So I met Toenk at Siam Square. He already had 4 plates of rice + duck at famous low key - restaurant next to The Bonanza mall. (Still don't know why it's so famous. In my opinion.. food there is not that great)
We thought about getting some coffee at Starbucks (which I'm not so keen.. anymore) It's too crowded these days and it's full of snobbish kids in school uniform hanging out in there with their homeworks and laptops. I wonder what the hell their parents do? Do they ever know how their kids spend money? Coffee at Starbucks costs at least 100 Baht / cup.
It just.. doesn't look like a place for school kids to hang out. And coffee there is not that great anyway. I found many other smaller cafe that make better coffee at much cheaper than less bitchy cashiers.
Cashiers at Starbucks they're really good at looking down on people who seem not to know what they wanna order. As if they wanna say "Hello? Do you know what "Guatemala Casi Cielo" is???? google it before you come to our store! you lo-so" This is reason why I stopped drinking coffee at Starbucks. They should change their staff attitude, seriously.
Well, anyway, we didn't even get a chance to reach the counter. It was way too crowded. So we just sat in there. Browsed India photos on laptop and left.
Oh, not that "flute"!
Concert was held at Chulalongkorn University's convention hall. Feeling fresh with aircon inside. But lot of mosquitoes (they don't bite though. Just seemed to be happy to fly around over people's heads)
First they (some professors) talked to the Japanese conductor about his background and why opera
"Opera?" now I got it. It's not flute concert as Toenk was murmuring about :-P It's "THE MAGIC FLUTE" opera by Mozart! (Ohhhhhhh...h..h.h.h...)
But damn.. can you keep it short? I wanna see the performance already.. Not some professors talking talking talking.. I saw some people already fell asleep.
Music was great. Opera singers they're all AMAZING! I wonder how they discovered that they can sing opera? It's really crazy voices. No offense .. but the professor who played a story teller. She's most boring part of the entire show. With her haircut like a boy in such a medieval dress (But why? I thought it's supposed to be in Egypt) it's just wrong.. oh well

100 Baht Crab noodles
We stopped by at "Sawang" noodles shop near Hua Lam Pong station. It's famous "Bamee Gam-pu" (Crab claw noodles) It's probably most expensive Bamee in Thailand. Normally bamee is 20-30 Baht / bowl but at Sawang. Their Bamee comes with crab claw and prices varied. Depends on how big the claw is.

Sometimes it goes up to 150-200 Baht / bowl. Prices listed on the board made of a part of paper box and just find some colored paper to put in the front to make it look A BIT better... (very Chinese.. no matter how expensive their food is. They don't really care so much to make their resto look too fancy.. "OK, well noodle here should be...200 Baht.. Go get some torn paper box to write down the price! quick!")
But if you don't want crab claw. You can order "normal" Bamee with only crab meat + pork too. That's 50 Baht... I don't think they ever closed their shop. But they do during Chinese new year.
Ouuww.. Opera + road side Bamee.. good combination
I had Stir fried white snapper with black pepper.. in clay pot. That's 60 Baht. Not bad for such a sophisticated-looking dish :-) he he he he . . .

Snapper fried with black pepper + rice (60 B.)

School kids shopping for Valentine's day gifts in The Emporium (prices = not cheap)

Who invented this crappy idea. I really wanna know..
It's a survey that most of teenagers in Thailand lost their virginities on Valentine's day. Great, parents must be so proud.
Flute concert (?)
While I was enjoying my food. Toenk called..
"Where are you!"
"er.. Emporium"
"You come to concert with me tonight"
"What concert?"
"Kinda.. er.. something about flute. I don't know yet. Still gotta go get free tickets.. hehe"
"Flute? what the.. where?"
"In the university?"
"How come you got tickets?"
"Will tell you later. Anyway, I'll go to get my thumb drive I left at my friend's place ... 2years ago"
"2 years ago!! and you just getting it back now?"
"yeah, well she just found it!"
"right right..see you around 6:30 then"
Then I continued with my food. Ended up I didn't even really use any books in TCDC. Just went in there. Checking a few interior design magazines and Toenk called again..
"Sis, I'm at Siam already"
"Yeah I didn't go to get thumb drive. Will go later. Traffic is terrible"
Starsucks Coffee
So I met Toenk at Siam Square. He already had 4 plates of rice + duck at famous low key - restaurant next to The Bonanza mall. (Still don't know why it's so famous. In my opinion.. food there is not that great)
We thought about getting some coffee at Starbucks (which I'm not so keen.. anymore) It's too crowded these days and it's full of snobbish kids in school uniform hanging out in there with their homeworks and laptops. I wonder what the hell their parents do? Do they ever know how their kids spend money? Coffee at Starbucks costs at least 100 Baht / cup.
It just.. doesn't look like a place for school kids to hang out. And coffee there is not that great anyway. I found many other smaller cafe that make better coffee at much cheaper than less bitchy cashiers.
Cashiers at Starbucks they're really good at looking down on people who seem not to know what they wanna order. As if they wanna say "Hello? Do you know what "Guatemala Casi Cielo" is???? google it before you come to our store! you lo-so" This is reason why I stopped drinking coffee at Starbucks. They should change their staff attitude, seriously.
Well, anyway, we didn't even get a chance to reach the counter. It was way too crowded. So we just sat in there. Browsed India photos on laptop and left.
Oh, not that "flute"!
Concert was held at Chulalongkorn University's convention hall. Feeling fresh with aircon inside. But lot of mosquitoes (they don't bite though. Just seemed to be happy to fly around over people's heads)
First they (some professors) talked to the Japanese conductor about his background and why opera
"Opera?" now I got it. It's not flute concert as Toenk was murmuring about :-P It's "THE MAGIC FLUTE" opera by Mozart! (Ohhhhhhh...h..h.h.h...)
But damn.. can you keep it short? I wanna see the performance already.. Not some professors talking talking talking.. I saw some people already fell asleep.
Music was great. Opera singers they're all AMAZING! I wonder how they discovered that they can sing opera? It's really crazy voices. No offense .. but the professor who played a story teller. She's most boring part of the entire show. With her haircut like a boy in such a medieval dress (But why? I thought it's supposed to be in Egypt) it's just wrong.. oh well

100 Baht Crab noodles
We stopped by at "Sawang" noodles shop near Hua Lam Pong station. It's famous "Bamee Gam-pu" (Crab claw noodles) It's probably most expensive Bamee in Thailand. Normally bamee is 20-30 Baht / bowl but at Sawang. Their Bamee comes with crab claw and prices varied. Depends on how big the claw is.

Sometimes it goes up to 150-200 Baht / bowl. Prices listed on the board made of a part of paper box and just find some colored paper to put in the front to make it look A BIT better... (very Chinese.. no matter how expensive their food is. They don't really care so much to make their resto look too fancy.. "OK, well noodle here should be...200 Baht.. Go get some torn paper box to write down the price! quick!")
But if you don't want crab claw. You can order "normal" Bamee with only crab meat + pork too. That's 50 Baht... I don't think they ever closed their shop. But they do during Chinese new year.
Ouuww.. Opera + road side Bamee.. good combination
I found the Starbucks staff at B2S, Central World really nice and very helpful. I don't really drink coffee though as it always makes me run to the toilet soooo many times per cup. But I love their hot chocolate and frappucino thingy.
Anyway, the crab claw noodle seemed to be the best part, for me.
P.S. Never been to TCDC. It closes on Mondays, right??
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