Friend's Wedding

From left. P' Ped, Tob, Aom (the bride), Kong (groom) and I.
And yeah, it's another wedding. I wouldn't have gone if he wasn't my editor. Because even we went to the same university but he's one year younger so we didn't study in same class anyway. They looked happy (as they should!)
I like the way that they don't really give a damn about "Presentation" (you know.. that presents how they met, their love story, bla bla..boring stuff..i dunno who started it) Even he himself is a graphic designer & photographer he could do real fancy one if he wanted to. But it was just short and simple one. Good!

All the fancy food for guests
"Half of guests, I don't know them" the groom told me when they started buffet.

Soi and Golf. She studied fashion design so now he's fashion designer i'm not surprised. But Golf he studied Graphic Design..but now he's designing clothes too. "I design ANYTHING!" yeah he's freelancing.

One of his friends "Pipat"(in gray suit) turned to be a famous actor after graduated. An hour later we went for a smoke outside the lobby . Bunch of kids (around 10-12 year-old girls) came to "look" at him, then giggled and ran away.. then came back again. One of them yelled "Are you that actor!? My friend wanna marry you!" then all ran away, with one of them went blushed..ha ha :-D

The whole gang. I couldn't even recognize some of them (got longer hair) Some changed to completely different work field (One in black suit and tie) now working in Marketing Department for Singha beer company. (what to do with designing??) One of very right (wearing glasses) now is a I remember I went to KFC once when I was ordering coke. I saw the TV there with him rapping some crappy stuff. Anyway I think he has quit rapping. Now just taking care of lyrics and production.
Most wicked one goes one "Man" (in pink shirt) "Man" has spent 4 months in doing NOTHING. Just smoking weed and swimming, hanging out on the beach. He said he's gonna move to Pattaya as his friend owns Art Gallery there. And it's only thing that he'll be happy to do now.. "Painting" (When he was in University he said to professor that "You can't teach me, you aren't good enough" hehe

Somebody dropped something at the parking
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