01 September 2006

It's important to save the frog.

I went to see movies today. First one is Thai film "Seasons Change" by GTH which it was pretty OK. At least soundtracks are really beautiful.

Second one is "An inconvenient truth" which is really moving and I think it's most horrifying film ever be seen. And everyone should watch it! Even movie is full of facts and data but every second it makes you feel like "What the fuck are we doing to our planet??" it's just so .. I dunno.. it's really sad that most of people don't even think it has anything to do with them. Even worse about the fact that Bush was the one who was elected. Not Gore.

And all those facts and data shown in movies. They're all really terrifying. After you see them and you still feel like "Oh ..so what?" you must be reall really ignorant and selfish.

Resource : http://www.climatecrisiscoalition.org/

The Antarctic Peninsula 1986-2002, (c) University
of Innsbruck. Source:European Space Agency

Triftgletscher in the Berner Oberland of Switzerland until recently filled the entire basin seen here in the foreground. Thinning of the tongue during the 1990s accelerated and as of 2001 a lake started to form in front of it. The ice became buoyant and rapid break-up of the snout is now underway. JA Photos : Michael Hambrey (MH), Jürg Alean (JA) | Resource

"Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced." : Al Gore


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the worst part is that Gore actually got more votes than Bush - but did not become president. That was an ominous start of the 21st century.

About climate change, we can try to slow it down a little, but it's impossible to stop. Because 1) nobody wants to stop driving his car or flying for holiday (including me), and 2) huge countries like China and India are burning enormous amounts of coal and oil now too. So... better enjoy all the nature that's still left. Cos it probably won't last much longer, if there's gonna be 12 billion people on Earth in 50 years.

Friday, 01 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're totally right. It's time to realize that we are really fucking up this planet. But never give up hope. Alternative energy sources (bio ethanol, solar, wind,...) are becoming more and more important. Ironically, these energy sources aren't becoming popular because of their small impact on environment but because of the high oil prices. That's why even idiots like bush are showing interest...

Friday, 01 September, 2006  
Blogger bee said...

yeah of course. It's impossible to stop. But at least it's possible to reduce it. As they said. All the solutions are in our hands and ready to be used. It's still some ways that people can do to help 'now'

But.. yeah problem is big country like The US refused to ratify The Kyoto Protocol agreement.

I think it's kinda too selfish to say "well, we can't do anything so why not enjoy things that we have left." As if we have no next generations to care about. As if there's really NO WAY to help which is wrong. There's many ways to help. I'm not telling that you have to stop flying or anything but.. well, see the film and think about it again.

If you really think that it's really hopeless anyway so we better do nothing and die out. It's just too sad.

Friday, 01 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I do my best. I always switch off all unnecessary lights, I go to the city by bicycle, I put the heater low in winter and dont use aircon in summer : p
And I'm a big fan of wind and solar power. But indeed I think these changes are too little, too late. Because the main problem is there's too much people on the world. And another 100 million added every year. And they will all use energy and create pollution. I'm not pessimistic, but not optimistic either. Anyway it's good that oil is so expensive now, that means cleaner energy will get a chance.

Friday, 01 September, 2006  
Blogger bee said...

Seems everyone knows that except Bush :-P

Monday, 04 September, 2006  

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