No more craziness!
Right. Tomorrow morning my parents will wonder why there's a japanese guy sleeping in middle of our living room. First I and James were talking about going for a dinner at Bed Supperclub. But I spent whole afternoon at boring meeting and I missed my lunch. Finally got back to Khaosan area around 5 PM, starving. So I and James ordered LOT of food at Roti Mataba place. After that we couldn't even think of getting any more food. That was quite enough for breakfast+lunch+dinner altogether.
James wanted to help me set up new ADSL modem for new ISP. So we thought that we would go to meet Dee later. Anyway, we went for some coffee and cake and we agreed that what we've been doing for whole week should be stopped now. No more crazy RCA party. No more alcohol for me this month! Besides, since I spent hours watching those scenes in SLIM. It didn't look too good. To be honest. Once in a while is OK. But almost everything it's just so low-class. That chick he met last night even sent him message said "Hey how are you doing? sorry I wasted your time last night" LOL man.. what's that supposed to mean?
So we ended up watching Last life in the universe at my place. Smoked some free stuff that Dee got from a Spanish guy from his guest house. Some beers. (not for me) Second movie, and we all fell alseep!
After a movie, few bottle of beers and a lot of joints :-DSince Dee will have to catch a train to the border tomorrow so I thought he has to back to pack his stuff and sleep, get up early. But he's way too stoned. So that's it. He's sleeping happily in my living room now. James went back to the guest house with his books,said he'll try to take some course tonight using his laptop. But u know what, I bet he'll fall asleep as soon as his head touches pillow :-P
Kristian called this afternoon. He was at Bangkok airport! ready to fly to Chiang Mai though. Will be back in BKK on Saturday. Would be nice to see him ! It seems to be "Dental" trip again. But sounds like he's been around here for a bit. (Bali, Koh Tao,.. etc) and now Chiang Mai. We'll see how it goes this weekend.
I'm so glad we're being 'good people' tonight :-P
Damn RCA. I'm so over it.
RCA era
Alright, it's been fucking weird week.
First of all, I've been drinking too much, second I'm not sure if it was good idea introducing these guys to "RCA"
Last night must be the first night that James didn't go out party as usual. He just came here for lunch (cooked here) and surfing internet (he brought his laptop). And went out for damn spicy isaan food+some beers (again!) around 10 PM or something, back here, James went back to his laptop surfing and chatting again. He wanted to use my ADSL cable so I had to pull it off from my PC and tried to plug it to his laptop but then he found out that he brought a cable (thanks a lot James!) And guess what, when I plugged cable back to my PC it didn't work!
So! I couldn't surf. That's it.. that's why I ended up playing that Heroes game for hours and hours. When I turned to James again, this is what I saw
LOL .. well anyway, when I looked at the clock it was like.. 3:30AM. Ok fine. So I let him crash there on the floor. When he woke up next morning first thing he had to do was fixing the connection. Took like an hour! Luckily he got everything fixed!
Went out to have Viet food at Siam, paid bills, got loads of coffee. Another weird activity came up. We went to Lumpini MuayThai stadium. This stadium is soooo old. Compared to Rajadamnern. Rajadamnern is a bit more modernized. And there's aircon. But Lumpini. No aircon, wooden benches, man..
All the gamblers on 3rd class seats. Classy.
Beaaaaautifulfirst couple of fights were a bit boring though. Until the main one. Dunno why we just mentioned "Dee" and James just said "Call him!" and after a little bit of beer I was fucking crazy enough to call Dee at his guest house. And Dee was crazy enough to follow us to the stadium! LOL
Colorful people. We looked just like damn traffic light.
"The man" this guy was running around taking bets from all the dudes in stadium. James's
Dee just arrived in time. Main fight was sooooo good. Those boxers are impressive! another 4 glasses of beer..So we left stadium around 10 PM. Went to buy some shirt at Suanlum Night Bazaar which is right next to the stadium (I almost got a taxi to get us there, how stupid I am) James got most beautiful shirt from there "USA" football yeah or should I say soccer? team shirt. Price was quoted at 450 B. Went down to 250 B finally. Oh yes, US and A!
"SLIM" You know it!
Then we took off to good old RCA. James was drunk already since the stadium (8 glasses of beers!) and kept talking nonsense :-P and his cell phone became part of his body. Nothing will stop this man from sending SMS. He keeps sending text msg ALL the time! So we arrived Slim half drunk. Not even 10 minutes yet James disappeared in the crowd again! and poor Dee.. when we were admiring that bosanova drummer's beats. Someone came to "heyyy" and dancing with him. Shit~ is he rubbing Dee??? lol oh yes he is! Dee was totally freaked out this time. I found out later that it was also same guy who was trying to dance with him last time we went there too! hehe wow good job Dee!
"Who's this guy next to me? I have NO IDEA!"
James was gone cruising around in the club and came back and said "I was looking for you guys!" (duh!) Finally got smoochy with one of the girls but turned out that chick had to take her sister back home. So she couldn't go anywhere but back to her place (waha!~) and Dee, damnit. I even pushed him to this chick and everything looked pretty smooth actually. But that girl came to ask me twice
"Is your friend ok?"
"What? What ok?"
"Japanese guy, he's your friend, no?"
"yeah yeah"
"Is he alright?"
"er, yeah!"
Then she went back dancing with Dee again. I went to toilet. When I came back Dee was dancing with some dudes! ah come onnnnnnnn! and that girl came to me again.
"Are you sure he's doing OK??"
"yeah! anyway I think I'm gonna leave soon. So please! look after him!"
"hmmm wellll" (she turned to Dee and saw him dancing around like crazy by himself)
"hehe, I'm gonna go home"
oh dee, you fuuuuucked up.
"Wait a minute..where am I again?"
Lovely, just totally drunk
So, we ended up sitting there talking stupid stuff at the cafe. I asked Dee why didn't he go out with that girl. He said he didn't even remember which one! (er, you guys were hugging for like ..half and hour in the club) After some coffee James brought up that weird Malaysian girl stuff again. So lame, James, if you're reading this. Don't forget what I said to you! You know it!
Well, so we just took a taxi back to Khaosan. Dropped James and Dee off. But turned out that Dee couldn't remember the way to get back to the guest house!! (garrrhhh!) so I walked him back to his guest house, make sure he got there. Took taxi back home.
James is talking about going back to SLIM again tomorrow night. Man, I'll have to pass it. Quite enough for me already! 5:47 AM. Damn.. i'm off to bed. Meeting with client at noon. After all those beers and smoking.I'm gonna look so fucking great today..
Prince fever
It's a surprise that A LOT of chicks here (including ladyboys!) have been talking about Crown Prince Dasho Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck of Bhutan! hehe. First impression is he came in The national dress of Bhutan (Gho) I must admit that it looks very very nice and very outstanding (much more interesting than boring suit) But I didn't expect that he would became so popular among girls here :-D
Yesterday I had a meeting with one of clients who has a share in ver posh hotel in Phuket. She told me that The Prince of Bhutan stayed at her hotel and that made all the female (AND ladyboy) staff went crazy! haha~ said "He's soooooo lovely" Also today I found a friend of mine is even using picture of Prince on MSN :-D
Well :-) just..interesting. Happy for Bhutan!
Celebration and World Cup
Another meeting

That was on May 19th before I left for Laos. Bunch of people from Couchsurfing, Hospitalityclub, Lonely Planet (Thorntree) and I looked like shit that day. Went straight from gym to the meeting. Wearing stupid Tshirt and no make-up with oily face! sweet! lol
Pix : Mena (UK), Luke (Australia), Me and May. And everyone in second photo. Which I can't remember them all!
Sea of yellow!
MORE THAN A MONARCH "The Pillar of Stability. The Father of a Nation. The Guiding Light. His Majesty the King is all of this to the Thai people. And much more..." Big day today! Celebration of our King's 60 years on the throne. Everyone is wearing yellow today. (I was told..) But this morning I went out to buy some food from 7-eleven and I wasn't wearing yellow tshirt (no, not yet I thought I would do this evening when I go out to take some photos) But Oh my Buddha! everyone out there was wearing yellow! I felt like and idiot~! haha! Oh well, great day today :-) so happy to see lot of people coming to celebrate this anniversary.
There's a topic "What's the future for Asian monarchies?"on BBC news website and obviously some non-Thais think the way that we love our King is exaggerated. Waste of time trying to make them understand why. Maybe you have to be born Thai to understand the feeling of "..more than love and beyond respect"
Someone from Nepal has his say that "Becoming a KING' is an inborn quality! Is not fair. Every capable person should get chance to compete…" if he compares Thailand to Nepal. yes, it's sad thing that happened in Nepal about their monarchy. But the whole point here is not that Thai people love The King because he was born "royal" but we love him for what he has been doing for his country, his Even his name means "Power Of The Land" and it's so true.
But this lady "ApresMidi" on Pantip forum is saying best...
"To be a King may be an inherited attribute, however to be the king of one's heart is a different story. It does take years and years of great vision, positive intention, hard work and devotion to be such king of one's heart.
With 60 years of hard work in reign, and more than 3,000 royal substantive projects that greatly benefit his people of all levels, our Nai-Luang King Bhumibol has not only proved that he is the greatest king, but also the greatest king of 60 millions' hearts.
I unconditionally love and honor my king. Not because of anything else, but because I has learned tremendously from him, from his work, and from his way of life ..
to give more than get,
to live a sufficient life,
to think of public benefit more than my own,
to work hard in fulfilling both my personal and social responsibility,
and to always be a better person than yesterday
This is rather soapy for those who might not have critical experience in this country but I am sure that to many Thais I am speaking their hearts. And, I am not saying I can do all above, but at least in my life, I see that one Great Spirit has done such and I shall follow."
"If the people doesn't left me. How could I left you."
Said, the king. August 19, 1946