Celebration and World Cup

Bangkok and Thailand has been painted with yellow for a few days already. It's still unbelievable to me seeing this. I mean,how can (nearly) everyone wear yellow? But if you see the photos you'll see what I mean. Especially yesterday. I saw lot of foreigners wearing yellow as well (some with "Long live The King" written on it) But if they were going to cheer for Australia that night. It's kinda smart. 2 in 1. Celebrate for The King and supporting Australia :-) hehe

Street resto near the pier

Yellow! Yellow! Yellow!

Rob and Simon among the yellows :-D
Since traffic was soooo bad that night. Rob couldn't make it to Khaosan road where he was supposed to meet me. I waited for almost an hour and decided to go to internet cafe just to drop a message to him. I met Rob day after and turned out that he arrived Khaosan road almost 8:30 PM and ended up watching football at some cafe just around the corner of that internet cafe I went to! Damn!

"Het grote Oranje"fans :-)
Anyway next day we managed to go to Gulliver's to watch Holland-Montenegro (1-0) Gulliver's was packed of bunch of Dutch people. (overload of orange!) it was good fun actually. Some dutch chicks even came in football player's outfit (with socks and everything, brought their own football even)

Second floor was invaded by Japanese :-)
Yesterday we tried to go to spot the Royal Barge on the river. But it wasn't possible. Everywhere was full of people. So we ended up watching it on TV in The Hippie Bar on Khaosan road. (Actually it's much better. Coz if you don't get really really good location to see it. It's not worth standing there. It's better and clearer on TV anyway). Lot of cocktails and beers today. I was surprised I could still walk after all the booze.
And last night Japan-Australia. Ground floor was occupied by Aussies and second floor was full of Japanese! hehehe~

After the match. Japanese people went down to party with Aussies :-D
A japanese guy named Tukku told us that they had been telling all the japanese around that area to come to this place to watch the match. Finally there were around 40-50 japanese ppl there shouting the name of players and "Nippon! Nippon!" (they also brought horn and drum! lol) We were supporting Japanese that night. Too bad Australia beated them in the second half 3-1 (you could hear "yeahhhhhhhh~!!!!!" from ground floor and "......" from the second floor)
And it seems to be a few English guys come to watch football there everynight. Doesn't matter which team. But they are cheering and cursing as if they were their national team :-) kinda funny.

Smallest bar I've ever seen. We were (sort of) watching USA Vs. Czech.
but I left 20 minutes later. Too drunk! Rob was flying to Malaysia next morning and he planned not to sleep or he will miss the flight (have to be at the airport around 5:30 AM) I guess he's in Penang by now.

"We're tough, We're in leather jackets, We're the gang!.. And we like to play with hair!"
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