My diary from 1992
I was searching for something in the drawer today. Then I found a small notebook lying in there. It was my diary from 1992-1995! Lot of silly things in there. When I wrote them I'm sure I wasn't amused. Many stories about teachers that I hated. Puppy love, school life, even complaining about the price of music cassette! hahahaha~!
Some bring back memories too :-) my bf that time (when I was 16!) who was in technical school. I almost forgot how we met. But then I read in diary and found I wrote down that we met in theme park! lol!! damn! so cute isn't it!?! haha~! And I gave him a musical birthday card (Don't remember that AT ALL!) he called and said "hey! thanks for this! I've never got any birthday card from anyone, I listened to the music from your card soooo many times!" awwwww.. cute teenage boy..LOL~ he was 18 I think :-)
I have no idea where he is now. Last time I heard from him was 5-6 years ago when he called just for a chat, telling that he's studying engineering.
A lot more hilarious stories from the diary. Most are about how much I hated some classes in school, what teachers said to me to make I hated them soooo much, How bad my exam result was, how much I wanted a guitar (but dad wouldn't buy it for me! duh!), even favorite cheesy pop songs those I lovvvved them that time..haha man!! this is embarrassing! It's amazing how you think when you're 16 year-old.. and that time you felt that you're soooo mature, you're not just some kid, don't fuck with me, rap is so cool, skipping school to party with friends at friend's place when his parents were away was just wonderful! etc
I really had a good laugh today from ready my own thoughts back 14 years ago! :-D
Laooooo..I love you
Oh well, not sure if it's good time for me to go to Laos! Since it was a big issue about that movie (Mak Tae : The Lucky Loser) which is a comedy about the Thai and Laotian football teams. Since it's a comedy. There's a lot of 'funny' scenes in this film which Laos didn't find it funny at all.
"Our team is less developed than the Thai team, but it is not fun to see it made into a joke in a Thai film," Says one official.
I was thinking since I saw trailer in the cinema here already that "Yeah well, it might be a funny film..but wouldn't they mind?" You know, they got Lao flag on the shirt and everything. Some scenes that we might find they're funny but Lao people they don't think so. Even the director said he didn't mean to insult anyone but.. well, it's too sensitive issue, must admit it. Eventhough I'm quite disappointed because usually GTH only makes quality Thai films.
Apart from that. I don't really like the way of many Thai people think. The way they think that Lao is our 'little sister' (Baan pii muang nong..crap like that) it's just nonsense. Have we ever asked them if they want to be anyone's sister? come on..!
Now what countries around here that we havn't had issues with them? a month ago Cambodia wasn't too happy with a film "Ghost Game" coz it's resembling the infamous Khmer Rouge Toul Sleng torture centre. What's next? I wonder if Burma is going to protest against the cute 3D animation "KanKluey" as well? because it's about Siam-Burmese wars? oh no!! spare the cute little elephant!
I'm leaving for Laos soon. Taking train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai this Sunday night. I met Rob (Couchsurfing member) today. Told him that I'm going to laos and if he wanted to join. It took him so long (about 5 seconds) to think about it and he said "Yeah!" So we'll meet Anders in Chiang Mai (hmm maybe Chiang Rai..we'll see) then meet up with Soren in Luang Phabang. Would be nice to see him again! I'm sure he got loads of stories to share ;-)
It's gonna be coooooooooool~~!
You work from home!?
Rainy season has come! it's been raining a lot here. Hope it won't flood. Never heard thunder like this for so long! Weather sucks..!
Few days ago. A guy from TRUE internet came to check my cable. I was told that my telephone cable outside the house is bad and I need to replace it. Then he came to check routher in my room and found it was OK.
"Don't you go to work today?" He asked me later
"I work from home"
"You work from home!?"
"er..yeah why?"
"I've heard many times! about people those they work from home. But I never thought that I would actually see one of them!" Now he really looked excited. Wow, a human who works from home! really exists!
"What do you do? Are you selling Amway?"
"Amway? hell no"
"So what do you do?"
"Actually I make porn websites"
"............" (he went silent for few seconds) "Really?"
"Noooo...o.o. I was kidding"
"he..he..Did you go to college?"
"yeah I did"
"I did not" he replied while checking my modem speed
"Why not?"
"I had to work since I graduated from technical school, I've been working since then. It's been 5 years now. Compare my salary to my friends who went to college. My salary is higher now. So I don't know why I should bother going back to college"
"hmm..yeah sure, but if you have time I think you should try to attend some evening programs. Isn't hard to get promoted if you don't have a degree?"
"yeah, if you wanna be promoted as manager or something..I need a degree"
"I'll think about it!" he smiled "By the way! you look like my friend!"
"oh really? is she cute? haha"
"yeah yeah she is, i was shocked when I saw you coz you look soooo much like her. I thought..shit! don't tell me that i'm going to fix my friend's telephone line today!"
"Why? you owe her money?" :-P
I tried to tell him that he can sit on the computer chair. But he said "I like sitting on the floor"
"Your computer looks weird!" he was standing in front of my PC starring at monitor
"How weird?"
"I dunno! what browser is this?"
"It's Firefox"
"oh..never seen it before"
"You can use IE if you want just click there"
"ohh ok ok" and then he kept telling me his stories..where he's work and so on. Kinda entertaining actually :-) now I know his name is Singhanarth (nothing to do with beer though)
Anyway, when he left. My internet connection..still sucks! I was told to wait for a while they're working on new High-speed Internet via Satellite project.
"OK, how long am I supposed to wait for this?"
"hm I dunno, it's still in the lab"
"OK, thanks a lot, boy"
He left me his contact number, told me to call him anytime if I need my telephone line fixed.
"Can you get me a Satellite internet?" I can't help teasing him
"I wish I was God"
yeah, me too :-)
Bangkok Taxi
We took a taxi from ChaengWattana back to my place. P'Ped spotted little box next to driver and wondered what it was. The driver told us that now all the taxis (from his least) have this. Then followed with lot of weird and hilarious stories.
"What's weirdest assign have u got?"
"Some passenger requested for pink taxi only"
"yeah! or some requested for any colors but blue/red"
"oh.. Any other crazy passengers?"
"hm.. once there were 2 kids, probably highschool. They asked me to check-in hotel for them using my ID card! I did it for them anyway..but maybe that was bad decision!"
"And how do you find the place where you have to pick up passenger?"
"They have to describe the location and the place.. sometimes it comes like house is in Soi12..this road.. and there're 2 cats in the house" I wonder if he would check any house in that Soi to find which house got 2 cats..?
"What if there're more than one taxi in the area but only one passenger?"
"You push (the button on that GPS box) first you got first!"
"Oh, ok fair enough..hehe"
Lunch at Daidomon, so damn full. It's a buffet. If you order it but don't finish it. You have to pay 12% extra. Now i'm really sick of "Yaki" stuff
Karaoke "Like a virgin" but music video is full of people in their late 50s. I just don't get it. And it made things even more confusing than placing Thai text under English.
Only two things are infinite..
"..the universe and human stupidity.."
it's so damn true... couldn't agree more. Got very bad phone call from Delhi. I really feel sorry for his person. She must be really lonely and needs a lot of attention.
Friend's Wedding

From left. P' Ped, Tob, Aom (the bride), Kong (groom) and I.
And yeah, it's another wedding. I wouldn't have gone if he wasn't my editor. Because even we went to the same university but he's one year younger so we didn't study in same class anyway. They looked happy (as they should!)
I like the way that they don't really give a damn about "Presentation" (you know.. that presents how they met, their love story, bla bla..boring stuff..i dunno who started it) Even he himself is a graphic designer & photographer he could do real fancy one if he wanted to. But it was just short and simple one. Good!
All the fancy food for guests
"Half of guests, I don't know them" the groom told me when they started buffet.
Soi and Golf. She studied fashion design so now he's fashion designer i'm not surprised. But Golf he studied Graphic Design..but now he's designing clothes too. "I design ANYTHING!" yeah he's freelancing.
One of his friends "Pipat"(in gray suit) turned to be a famous actor after graduated. An hour later we went for a smoke outside the lobby . Bunch of kids (around 10-12 year-old girls) came to "look" at him, then giggled and ran away.. then came back again. One of them yelled "Are you that actor!? My friend wanna marry you!" then all ran away, with one of them went blushed..ha ha :-D
The whole gang. I couldn't even recognize some of them (got longer hair) Some changed to completely different work field (One in black suit and tie) now working in Marketing Department for Singha beer company. (what to do with designing??) One of very right (wearing glasses) now is a I remember I went to KFC once when I was ordering coke. I saw the TV there with him rapping some crappy stuff. Anyway I think he has quit rapping. Now just taking care of lyrics and production.
Most wicked one goes one "Man" (in pink shirt) "Man" has spent 4 months in doing NOTHING. Just smoking weed and swimming, hanging out on the beach. He said he's gonna move to Pattaya as his friend owns Art Gallery there. And it's only thing that he'll be happy to do now.. "Painting" (When he was in University he said to professor that "You can't teach me, you aren't good enough" hehe
Somebody dropped something at the parking
Phone calls from India
Yesterday i've got 2 missed call showing +91 which means someone in India called me. I thought it was Rakesh so I called back. Hmm it wasn't him. Anyway! it's great to hear from him again. Even it's far away but I can feel Varanasi from Bangkok. All those noise and loud horns coming through telephone line! ha..ha.. :-D He went to Lucknow to get his new passport and it might take him 3 months! to get it. Crazy
"This is India" that's what he (always) said :-)
Rakesh asked if I have Dipu's email. Looks like Dipu went away to Manali. (Bastard, And *I* have never been there!) :-( Anyway, Dipu has gone and now Rakesh can't contact him. So email is the last choice. (I got email from Dipu though. So it means he checks his email)
Rakesh complain about the heat in Varanasi, said it's 42 c today. "Too hot!!" I guess this is why Dipu went to Manali..hehe
Oh my gosh, you're so black!
3x3x3..My age! Must be good number indeed. Because I checked newspaper today. One of those prizes is "27" Usually lottery day here is day 1st and 16th of every month. Only in May that they announce it on 2nd because 1st of May is holiday.
That's my age! from today's newspaper.I met Poon yesterday (was supposed to meet ai Knot at well, but as usual. He was busy with one of his clients. Since he turned to be a freelance he never got time for friends!) She came to pick me up at swimming pool. I was waiting for her in front of 7-Eleven, I saw her car but she didn't look like she recognize me. Then she stopped the car.
"Hell, Pueng, what have you been doing??"
"Swimming ..why?"
"No! I mean.. you're so BLACK!!!" (she meant 'dark' though)
"No i'm not, You think so?"
"Yeah you fuckin are!!"
"OK, I am. It's nice though. I like it! mwahaha!"
"Shiiit...t.t..t.. I couldn't even recognize you! I slowed down the car coz I wasn't sure if it was you! what happened to your skin!?"
"It's Thai skin, man.. what do u expect"
"kooohhttt dam!" (so dark)
"yeah yeah I know, can we go now?"
Then she didn't stop giving her comments on my dark skin. (We don't say "Tan" here, You're never "Tan" in Thailand you're just "pretty" or you're just "Too dark"This conversation continued even we were at the restaurant already.

Simulating Thai Whitening Cream Commercial. lol
"Didn't you use sun-block?"
"I did, but it doesn't prevent your skin of being 'dark' it just prevents your skin from UV and you won't be burned"
I told Poon that this is completely brain-wash commercials. Then I couldn't stop complaining about those whitening products on TV here. They really botther me these days. A lot more than before.
Since when that we have a lot of this crap on TV? I don't remember. But it got worse and worse since I was in highschool. Every girl wanted to be as white as Geisha. (that already put make-up on) Then followed with beautiful tan-skin girls on TV making fun of themselves that "I'm so black, I know" or those country songs with lyrics you'd never imagined to hear.. something like "I didn't mean to have dark skin, but I can't help it. My parents are dark!"
I'm not joking. This is fucking Thailand!
Oh well, enough for complaining. Life goes on..ha ha!
And guys, Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. Thanks Poon for remembering my birthday every year and the gift, Sai, Thanks Bert for always being there and mini Turkish Carpet :-) , Stephane , VT members, Thai HC members for Chabu Chabu (they didn't let me pay), Nong Jib The best Flash guy for lovely SMS..

Thanks mom & dad.. sweet (sometimes annoying) sister for joining tiny swimming pool at Sport Thanks all the friends in India especially Rakesh for being my friend and you're so nice to me, always! no, I didn't drink any alcohol on my birthday :-) No Banglassi here, Too bad
And Thank you, Soren for hilarious email about your trip in Cambodia. You made my day! hehehehe
Last day of being 26
Ahhh.. no more 26 years old. Shit, I'm turning 27.
Getting old? No way!
Old age is always 10 years older than I am.. mmmwahaha~!
Went to swim today. Too many kids.
Tomorrow I gotta get up early to offer food to monks. These days people don't even cook anymore. They just go to street stalls and buy the arranged 'set' (rice+some food+juice..etc) for monks. I heard that sometimes the monks themselves even come back to return those sets to sellers so they can sell them again maybe 2-3 times more to other customers. It's kind of business deal! hell, I'm not gonna do that.
Another thing that bothers me quite a lot. That people always prepare food "they" like. Believing that they will get this food in their next life.
"Don't forget to put some bottle of water too, so you won't go thirsty!" Amazing Buddhism...
I don't know where they got this idea from. Very creative way of thinking.
Gotta cook tomorrow. Wanted to buy some spring onions at Tesco. They don't have it. Can you believe this? Crazy!
I'm wondering about that little cat at Wat Po. The vet told me to bring her back to check if she got any better. But you know, she's not my cat. And the massage lady at Wat Po was convincing me to bring her back home already. I might have done that if I didn't have dogs! damn, poor kitty
No wonder I'm unhappy - My twin forgot my birthday. -- Jerry Dennis
And Bert found an egg on his roof.. ROFL.. what the...